Train travel in the USA - Additional information about Amtrak®
Cancelling a ticket
Sometimes life will interfere with your travel plans. Therefore, Amtrak has a policy for ticket refunds. In many cases, a 90% refund is possible on booked tickets. However, keep in mind that discount tickets are non-refundable.
We can provide full information in each case. Contact us for more information.
Disabled passengers
Seating places and WCs specially designed for the needs of disabled travelers are located in at least one carriage in each train. Most cafe and dining cars also have such facilities.
Each sleeping car has one accessible bedroom. As space is limited, it's worth booking as far in advance as possible.
Most Amtrak stations are prepared for the needs of passengers traveling in a wheelchair. When boarding and disembarking, passengers can rely on the assistance of Amtrak employees.
Passengers with disabilities can order meals from the Amtrak menu with delivery to their room or table. You can also choose to eat your meal in the cafe or dining car if circumstances permit.
Carriage of animals
Generally, animals are not allowed on Amtrak. However, service animals are permitted in all areas where passengers are allowed.
Amtrak is a registered service mark of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation.